Tips for Reducing Cravings for Junk Food

If I were a savory dish, I would be a creamy lasagna with layers of pasta, sauce, cheese, and vegetables.
cravings for junk food
 We've all experienced intense cravings for unhealthy snacks that just won't quit. You know that shiny bag of chips calling your name or the hot fudge sundae you can practically taste. Before you know it, you've inhaled a whole pint of ice cream and feel terrible afterward. Well, those pesky junk food cravings don't stand a chance with these fail-proof tips. Let's demolish those cravings once and for all!

What's Behind Those Nagging Cravings?   

First, let's examine why we get intense urges to dive face first into a greasy pizza. 

Blood Sugar Swings

If your diet is filled with a lot of refined carbs and sugar, your blood sugar spikes then comes crashing down, leaving you craving quick energy in the form of candy or other junk. Stabilizing your blood sugar by eating fiber-rich complex carbs and protein is key.  

Stress Eating

Rough day at work? Fight with your friend? Buttery popcorn and chocolate chip cookies become very comforting. Managing daily stressors with exercise, social connection, relaxing hobbies so you don't turn to food is very helpful.

Lack of Sleep  

When we don't get enough Zzzzs, levels of the hormone ghrelin spike while leptin declines. This double whammy leaves you feeling hungrier. Aim for 7-9 hours per night. Your late-night cravings for ice cream will diminish if you're better rested.

Sensory Cues 

Smelling those chicken wings cooking or seeing that giant cinnamon roll trigger intense cravings. Be mindful when you encounter these cues out and about. Gaze lovingly at the kale instead.  

Tips to Annihilate Those Cravings

Now let's dig into how to tackle those junk food cravings head on so they don't consume you!

Protein is Your Ally

Protein rich foods like eggs, yogurt, nuts and fish keep you feeling fuller longer. Starting your day by loading up at breakfast blunts cravings later in the day. 

Fiber Fills You Up

Just like protein, a diet plentiful in high-fiber whole grains, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds keeps hunger pangs at bay by slowing digestion. Hello, craving crushing power!


Often our bodies confuse thirst with hunger. Which is why cravings sometimes strike even when we just ate. Fill up on water and unsweetened tea to stay satisfied. Pro tip: carbonated water can help you feel extra full.  

Walk It Off

When you feel a strong urge for chocolate chip cookies, get moving! Even just a 10 minute walk around the block can make cravings vanish. A longer workout provides even stronger craving crushing effects. 

Get Your Zzzzs

Skimping on sleep leaves you feeling run down and ravenous. Make catching those Zzzzs a priority with 7-9 hours per night so you have the energy to make healthy choices and fight cravings.  

The Power of Distraction

When ice cream is calling your name after dinner, distract yourself with an engaging activity. Call a friend, get immersed in a hobby, take your dog for a long walk, anything to shift your focus! The intensity will pass.

Healthy Swaps that Crush Cravings

When it comes to junk food, having ready alternatives on hand makes all the difference. Here are some of my personal go-to swaps:
  • Instead of chips and dip, mix plain Greek yogurt with ranch seasoning for a cool, creamy dip for veggies. 
  • Rather than pizza delivery, make a veggie loaded pizza on a whole wheat English muffin. 
  • Swap candy for fresh berries drizzled in dark chocolate. 
  • Pick seltzer water and lime rather than soda for fizzy satisfaction without the sugar overload.
  • Go for trail mix made with nuts, mini chocolate chips and dried fruit over vending machine cookies. Just watch portions!
See? You don't have to deprive yourself when cravings strike. With some meal planning and healthy ingredient swaps, you can crush cravings and still feel satisfied. Moderation is key!

You've Got This!

We all struggle with intense junk food cravings from time to time thanks to biology and our inner cookie monster. But having an arsenal of craving crushing strategies makes it much easier to resist temptation when it strikes. Stay strong and keep your health goals in sight. You can defeat those cravings like a champ. Now go grab a yogurt parfait and take a nice walk! You've got this.